While lines and wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you do not have to let these changes affect your self-confidence. Juvéderm Ultra Plus in Tehachapi is an injection that can fill fine lines and restore volume to your face. This natural, safe, and reversible dermal filler procedure has revolutionized the anti-aging industry.

In comparison to other dermal fillers, Juvéderm Ultra Plus is a thicker and denser substance that can help minimize the appearance of harsher facial lines. This material is placed into the middle and deep layers of the skin, which allows for more substantial volume deposition. Juvéderm Ultra Plus also makes it easy to lift wrinkles that are more deeply embedded in the face or cheeks. To discover if Juvéderm Ultra Plus is right for you, do not hesitate to contact Reen Medical Group today.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Juvéderm Ultra Plus procedures typically take around 15 to 30 minutes to perform. Treatment may take slightly longer if we include the time for the numbing to take effect.

The primary ingredient in Juvéderm dermal fillers is hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that helps give the skin its suppleness and plumpness. After the procedure, the hyaluronic acid will take two to three weeks to settle into your skin. This means that the final results of your treatment may not be immediately apparent. Many Tehachapi residents have reported the effects of Juvéderm Ultra Plus lasting for 9 to 12 months.

Is the Procedure Painful?

Juvéderm Ultra Plus injections in Tehachapi are pain-free because Dr. Reen of Reen Medical Group uses the smallest needles possible for effective product delivery. Additionally, it is important to know that the procedure is safe and reversible. To customize a treatment plan, Dr. Reen considers several factors such as medical history, aesthetic goals, and lip injection treatment options.

From our experience, there is little chance of bruising after the procedure. This is because Dr. Reen can visualize small, medium, and large blood vessels under the skin, which reduces the potential for bruising or bleeding. If you experience any mild side effects, they will typically resolve within the few days following your procedure.

How Long Is the Downtime?

Juvéderm Ultra Plus is a fast, easy treatment with very little downtime. If the filler is injected into a facial region with high mobility, such as the lips, you can return to your daily activities almost immediately. However, injecting these dermal fillers in a more static facial area can have a slightly longer downtime—up to 24 hours.

Patients in Tehachapi should not take any potential blood-thinning substances, such as vitamin E, or any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, when preparing for Juvéderm Ultra Plus treatment. Blood-thinning products can increase the chances of bruising and bleeding after treatment.

Learn More about Juvéderm Ultra Plus in Tehachapi Today

At Reen Medical Group, we deeply understand the frustrations you may feel because of your changing appearance. To combat this, we offer multiple dermal filler choices, such as Juvéderm Ultra Plus in Tehachapi. Contact our office today to learn more about our treatment options.

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    Juvéderm Ultra in Tehachapi